To use Pan and Pan effects with GHC instead of Hugs, here's what you need to do:
| Of course, you'll need to have GHC installed on your machine. As is, Pan is tied to Windows platforms, so you have to be running it on a Win 9x/Me, Win NT/2k installation.
The Pan sources will work with both ghc-4.05 and
ghc-4.08(.1). |
| Change the definition of HC in (at the top of the Pan source tree)
to point to your installation of GHC. |
| Then do one of the following, depending on your version of GHC:
| If you have 4.05 installed, you will need some fixes to the run-time
system. Unpack this zip file and
unpack into your GHC installation. |
| If instead you've got 4.08.1 installed, then also need to change the
setting of USING_GHC_4_08 from NO to YES in You'll have to pick up a copy of the HDirect support libraries. Unpack
this .zip file on top of your Pan installation, so that src/lib/ will afterwards contain a number of .hi files along with libHScom.a. |
| In either case, to build, just type "make haskell-depend haskell-bits" in
your Pan directory. |