Implementing a type for partial values
In my previous post, I gave an interface for a type of partial values and invited implementations. Here’s mine, which surprised me in its simplicity.
The trick is to represent Partial a
as a -> a
, i.e., a way to selectively replace parts of a value. Typically the replaced parts are bottom/undefined. I want Partial a
to be a monoid, and Data.Monoid
provides an instance:
-- | The monoid of endomorphisms under composition.
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = Endo id
Endo f `mappend` Endo g = Endo (f . g)
So my definition is simply a synonym:
type Partial = Endo
Note that mempty
and mappend
do exactly what I want. mempty
adds no information at all, while u `mappend` v
adds (overrides) information with u
and then with v
The implementation of functions on Partial
is trivial.
inPartial :: ((a->a) -> (a'->a')) -> (Partial a -> Partial a')
inPartial f = Endo . f . appEndo
valp :: c -> Partial c
valp c = Endo (const c)
pval :: Partial c -> c
pval (Endo f) = f undefined
unFst :: Partial a -> Partial (a,b)
unFst = inPartial first
unSnd :: Partial b -> Partial (a,b)
unSnd = inPartial second
unElt :: Functor f => Partial a -> Partial (f a)
unElt = inPartial fmap
I’m not sure I’ll end up using the Partial
type in Eros, but I like having it around. If you think of variations, extensions and/or other uses, please let me know.
Michael Karcher:
My first attempt on trying to implement partial values was
5 January 2008, 8:30 amtype Partial a = [a->a]
After reading the beginning of your solution post, it was obvious that putting the functions first into a list to fold it later is unneeded. Then I first wrote my own “Endo” instance, and got it to work too. When refactoring the code to the presented version, I noted, that with the “Endo” Monoid instance, mappend show exactly the opposite behaviour than the requested one: The left argument replaces info from the right one, and not vice versa.
Conal Elliott » Blog Archive » Merging partial values:
[…] partial information about values, and wrote about it in two posts, A type for partial values and Implementing a type for partial values. Of particular interest is the ability to combine two partial values into one, combining the […]
22 November 2008, 3:20 pm